312651601 • Rev A v
Preface xi
Audience xi
Prerequisites xi
What’s New in this Release xi
How this Guide is Organized xii
Additional Information xii
Related Publications xv
1. What is the VSM GUI? 1
2. Installing and Configuring the VSM GUI 3
VSM GUI Installation Summary and Checklist 3
Verify VSM GUI Hardware Prerequisites 4
Verify VSM GUI Software Prerequisites 4
Verify Installation Materials 4
Load VSM GUI from Tape or CD-ROM Media 5
Product Installation Tape Contents 5
Product Installation CD-ROM Contents 6
Unload the VSM GUI SMP/E JCL Data Set 12
Unloading VSM GUI SMP/E JCL Data Set from Tape 12
Unloading VSM GUI SMP/E JCL Data Set from CD-ROM 12
Set Up the SMP/E Environment and Install the Software 13
APF Authorize the VSM GUI Libraries 18
Customize the VSM GUI Startup Proc 18