312651601 • Rev A Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring the VSM GUI 25
Startservers number
Specifies the default number of running worker tasks.
Serveradmin admin
Identifies the server administrator e-mail address on directory listings.
secure level
Specifies the directory levels under which security verification is required. It can be
specified for each application but for efficiency it is recommended to have as few as
possible. Default is /.
sendbuffersize value
Changes the TCP send buffer size if authorized. Valid range is 4096 to 65536. Default
is the TCP/IP stack default.
setenv name text
Sets an environment variable accessible to cgi modules.
serversignature yes | no
Specifies whether the server identification line should be included at the bottom of
server generated pages such as directory listings or error pages. Default yes.
tcpipprefix high_level_qualifier
Sets the system TCPIP high level qualifier. Default is TCPIP. Suggest also allocating
the <tcpipprefix>.TCPIP.DATA data set in the started task JCL with DD SYSTCPD.
tcpipdata reference
Sets the reference to the TCPIP data set in the form DSN:data set or DDN:ddname.
Defaults to DDN:SYSTCPD
Start the VSM GUI Server
To start the VSM GUI server, enter the following operator command.
The server is up and running when the following message appears:
SKY003I HTTPD ready to accept requests