TANDBERG V 11.8 Computer Monitor User Manual

Click ‘Browse’ and browse to the network path of the Exchange Server. The
le is located where the Exchange Integration component was installed. If you
have admin rights to the exchange server and the default path was not changed
during installation, this would be:
\\<exchange server name>\C$\Program Files\TANDBERG\TMSExchange\Vid-
eo Conference Form\ videoconference.oft
You can then publish the form as normal.
Create Exchange User representations for each sys-
tem registered in TMS
Each videoconferencing system that is to be bookable from Exchange/Outlook
needs a representation in Exchange. This representation is done by adding a
‘User’ in Exchange for each of the videoconferencing systems.
The user representation for these systems must be set up in a particular man-
ner, and in order to simplify this process, TANDBERG provides a tool to assist
in the creation of these users. Running the Integration tool requires the user
have both Domain Administrator and Exchange Administrator permissions.
This is due to requirements that when conguring Exchange accounts to work
with TMS, both Active Directory and mailbox properties must be modied. The
Integration Tool automates the process of creating new Exchange accounts to
represent TMS systems as well as updating an existing Exchange resource
account be associated to a TMS system. The latter is useful if you have previ-
ously been scheduling the room or system through Exchange but without tying
it into TMS scheduling.
If for organizational permissions reasons, a user can not have both Domain
Administrator and Exchange Administrator permissions, TANDBERG can pro-
vide an alternate method which allows a Domain Administrator to create and
congure or modify existing AD users and mailboxes before using the Integra-
tion Tool. An Exchange Administrator must still complete the process using the
Integration Tool. The recommended way is to automate the process using the
Integration tool by running the tool with a user with both Domain and Exchange
Administrator permissions. Please contact TANDBERG Technical Support for
details on how to have a Domain Administrator setup accounts using an alter-
nate method if required. Domain and Exchange Administrator permissions will
still be required to access all functionality shown in the Integration Tool.
The account and mailbox created by the Integration Tool should not be modi-
ed in anyway by the administrator. The exception to this is the administrator