APPENDIX A Firmware Commands Teledyne API Ultrafine Particle Monitor - Model 651
A-6 07506C DCN6727
RIE – Read Instrument Errors
RIE reads the instrument errors (displayed as a 16-bit integer in
hexadecimal format). The number may be a combination of the
values of more than one flag.
Command RIE
Response Bit 0 x XXXX
Bit = Hexadecimal character A-F. When the bit
is set, the parameter is in error.
XXXX = 4-digit number
0x0001 = Conditioner Temperature
0x0002 = Growth Tube Temperature
0x0004 = Optics Temperature
0x0008 = Vacuum Level
0x0020 = Laser Status
0x0040 = Water Level
0x0080 = Concentration Over-range
0x0100 = Pulse Height Fault
0x0200 = Absolute Pressure
0x0400 = Nozzle Pressure
0x0800 = Water Separator Temperature
0x1000 = Warmup
0x2000 = Reserved
0x4000 = Service Reminder
0x8000 = Reserved
Command RIE Read Instrument Errors
Response C00
Water Separator Temperature and Nozzle
Pressure faults (Nozzle Pressure =
hexadecimal 4. Water Separator =
hexadecimal 8. Added together they make
hexadecimal C.)
Note: Hexadecimal is a numerical system using a base of 16. The
symbols 0-9 represent the values zero to nine, and the letters
A-F represent the values ten to sixteen. It is a useful
“shorthand” for computer engineering because each
hexadecimal digit represents four binary digits.
RIF – Read Aerosol Flow Rate
RIF reads the inlet flow rate in liters per minute (L/min).
Command RIF
Response X
X = Floating point number either 0.12, 0.6, or
Command RIF Read Inlet Flow Rate
Response 0.3 3.0 L/min