Telenetics V.34-SDC Network Router User Manual

A-16 Configuration Quick Reference
Con Msg
=DTE Rate
Connect Message
Selecting DTE Rate results in the current DTE rate being displayed on your terminal after the
connect message.
CM1 =DCE Rate Selecting DCE Rate results in the current DCE rate being displayed on your terminal after the
connect message.
9,(phone no.)
Enter Phone #
See the AT&Z command description.
AT & R 1
=High CTS is always high. Use this setting if you plan to use RTS/CTS or DTR/CTS Flow control.
CT1 =Normal The modem controls CTS as in normal handshaking. In V.25bis
ACU operation, CTS follows
DTR in command state; CTS is off in training/retraining and follows RTS in data mode.
For AT ACU operation, CTS follows RTS in command state; CTS is off in training/retraining
and follows RTS in data mode. If an ACU is not selected, CTS is low.
CT2 =ACU On CTS is on in ACU mode, goes off during training/retraining, and follows RTS in data mode.
AT & R 0
=AsyncSync CTS is on in asynchronous mode, and off in synchronous, ACU mode. In synchronous data
transfer mode, CTS is off in training/retraining and follows RTS in data mode. When CTS
follows RTS in data mode, the setting of the RTS/CTS Delay option applies (if Mode=Direct).
CT4 =RTS CTS follows RTS. Use this setting if your application requires that CTS immediately follow
RTS. If one of these flow control methods is used: Flow=RTS/CTS or Flow=DTR/CTS, then
does not
follow RTS in a flow-off condition. When
CTS=RTS, the RTS/CTS Delay
DL) option is not available.
Default Dial
Default Dialing
The default dial feature is disabled.
DA1 9=1 9 The modem direct dials the telephone number stored in the memory address selected (memory
addresses 1 9) when one of the following conditions occurs:
DTR=108.1 or Tail, and the DTE turns the DTR signal from off to on.
DTR=108.2, Esc, Discon, Reset, or High; the DTR signal is on; and either the front panel
Talk/Data key ( at the Home position) is pressed, or control of the dial is switched to
the modem with an exclusion key telephone.
ACU Select=AT, AT Form=DTR Dial, and the DTR signal transitions from off to on.
This option also determines the telephone number dialed during restoral.
Buffer Delay
The Off setting disables the Delay option.
DB1 =Buf or S38 This setting starts the buffer delay timer immediately upon detection of the disconnect request.
When the timer is operating, the modem continues to process either the transmit or receive
buffers. The modem disconnects when the buffers are empty or the timer expires, whichever
occurs first. NOTE: When the modem is set for Direct mode, no data buffering occurs and the
disconnect is immediate.
DB2 =Buf & S38 This setting prevents the timer from starting until either the transmit or receive buffers have
emptied. The modem then disconnects. Once the timer expires, when the modem is set to
Direct mode, data is not buffered and the timer starts immediately.
Table A-1.
AT Commands, Cross-Referenced to Front Panel Options (Continued)
Parameter &
Option Description
Gray shading indicates country-specific options. See Appendix C for your country’s options.