B.1 History of changes to MSP-TS430PM64 Target Socket module
Changes from Rev. 0.1 to 1.0:
Connector J5 for external power was added
Connectors FETJ2 and FETJ3 were removed
C8 was changed from 100nF to 10nF
R5 was changed from 100k to 47k
R13 and R14 were added to support BSL usage on F413. They are not
R4 was removed
Changes from Rev. 1.0 to 1.1:
Connection JTAG/6 <-> J1/9: R4=0Ohm was inserted. R4 is not
assembled. This isolates XOUT from the JTAG connector.
On Rev. 0.1, power can be found or should be supplied on the target pins:
J1/1(DVcc), J4/16(AVcc), J4/15(DVss) and J4/14(AVss). Vcc can also
be applied to FETJ2-2 and Vss can also be applied to FETJ2-4.