52 Section 2C: Menu Options
Protocol Compression
Select the Protocol Compression check boxes to enable
compression for the following types for data:
ⅷ SSL - Secure Socket Layer
ⅷ FTP - File Transfer Protocol
ⅷ SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, a communications
protocol used on the Internet to route email
ⅷ HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol
ⅷ POPv3 - Post Office Protocol standard in common use on TCP/
IP networks
ⅷ IMAP - Acronym for Internet Message Access Protocol, a
method for an email program to gain access to email and
bulletin board messages stored on a mail server.
ᮣ Click Default if you want to return to the default
When finished, click Apply and then OK to save changes and
close the Settings dialog box, or click Cancel to undo any
Limitation to Bandwidth Optimization include minimal
improvements with email applications. Email performance
can be improved by working offline as much as possible,
dragging and dropping attachments to desktop folders rather
than opening attachments directly from email.