TVP-221H User’s Guide
The above process is the same for Gateway B phone 203 and 204 calls to Gateway A
phone 201, 800 and 801
Case 2: Gateway Phone to PSTN Phone
Gateway B phone 203 calls to PSTN phone A number 7777-1234
Caller Operation at GW B Equipment Operation Receiver Operation at GW A
Pick up phone 203 (204) on
1. GW dial tone is heard.
2. GW B Line 3 LED
Dial 01-7777-1234
1. Du Du is heard
2. VoIP call processing
Ring back tone is heard 1. GW A Line 1 LED
2. GW A is connected to
Ring back tone is heard 1. PSTN call processing Phone 7777-1234 is ringing
Receiver on 7777-1234 picks
VoIP Conversation VoIP Conversation
The above dialing process is the same for phones 203, 204 to any GW A local PSTN
phone number.
Case 3: PSTN Phone to Gateway Phone
Phone A, number 7777-1234 calling Gateway B phone 203
Caller Operation at
Phone A
Equipment Operation Receiver Operation at GW
B phone 203
Pick up phone A 1. PSTN dial tone is heard.
Dial 8888-2222 1. Call being processed
2. PBX plays voice greeting