By connecting a computer to the projector with a RS-232C cross cable (D-sub 9 pins), you can control the projector with
the computer. The commands to control the projector and the response data format against the received commands are
explained here.
For details, please consult the authorized dealer where you purchased your projector.
1. Communication Specications
The communication specications are as follows.
Baud Rate 9600 bps / 19200 bps
Data Length 8 bits
Parity None
Stop Bit 1 bit
Flow Control None
2. Command Format
2-1 Command Data Format
When sending a control command to the projector, use the following data format.
Header ID SP Command [ SP Parameter ] CR
Header : Designates the head of data and the data type.
: ! (21h): Assigns command to the projector.
: ? (3Fh): Query to the projector. (Asking command)
ID : 1: The identification number of the projector. (Manufacturer set value 1)
SP : Designates the delimiter for ID, Command, and Parameter. (20h)
CR : Designates the terminal of the data. (0Dh)
* [ ] is not necessary for Asking command.
2-2 Response Data Format
When sending a control command to the projector, use the following data format.
Header ID SP Normal Termination Status [ SP Parameter ] CR
Header : Designates the head of data.
: @ (40h): Fetches data from the projector.
ID : 1: The identification number of the projector. (Manufacturer set value 1)
SP : Designates the delimiter for ID, Command, and Parameter. (20h)
Normal Termination Status : 0 (30h)
CR : Designates the terminal of the data. (0Dh)
2-3 Parameters Used For The Data Format
The following three kinds of parameters are used for control commands and response data.
1) Numeric value
3) Special parameters
Each parameter is as follows:
1) Numeric value
A 2-byte hexadecimal value (sign included) is represented by a set of 4 digit (4 bytes) characters.
Designated range: 8000 to 7FFF.
Shows the status (ON/OFF) of the projector, such as POWER and MUTE.
Character Hex. Meaning
0 30 OFF
1 31 ON