1–6 975-0046-01-01
Wiring Scenarios
Wiring scenarios will depend upon the configuration of the overall system
(i.e., Off Grid or On Grid). Pre-installation and mounting instructions
apply to all configurations. Follow the instructions from page 1–7 to
page 1–17 for all installations.
After the pre-installation procedures have been completed, select the
wiring scenario that applies to your configuration. Once you have
completed the wiring instructions for your specific application, proceed to
the Operation section.
Off-Grid Applications
The following Off-Grid scenarios are covered in this guide:
• Off-Grid Applications using an AC distribution panel (sub-panel) and
an external generator disconnect switch.
See page 1–18 for wiring instructions for this application.
• Off-Grid Applications using an additional circuit breaker in the
ACCB for a generator disconnect.
See page 1–22 for wiring instructions for this application.
• Off-Grid Applications using additional circuit breakers in the ACCB
for AC loads and a generator disconnect.
See page 1–26 for wiring instructions for this application.
On-Grid Applications
The following On-Grid scenarios are covered in this guide:
• On-Grid Applications with generator backup using an AC
Distribution Panel and an additional circuit breaker in the ACCB for a
generator disconnect.
See page 1–30 for wiring instructions for this application.
• On-Grid Applications using additional circuit breakers in the ACCB
for AC distribution (i.e., no sub panel).
See page 1–34 for wiring instructions for this application.