1–38 975-0046-01-01
Additional Accessory Wiring
If you have any of the following accessories connected (or to be
connected) to your inverter, then you will also need to pass their
connecting cables through the ACCB to the AC side of the inverter:
• Generator Start Module (GSM) for automatic generator control
• Auxiliary Load Module (ALM) for controlling auxiliary loads such as
alarms, water pumps or ventilator fans
• Emergency Power Off (EPO) switch, Inverter Control Module (ICM),
or an Inverter Communications Adapter (ICA) for remote control and
monitoring of the inverter
• Inverter Stacking Control – Series (ISC-S) Cable for connecting to
another inverter in a dual inverter configuration.
See your inverter owner’s guide and the appropriate accessory guide for
further information about the installation and configuration of these