To cut a selection from an image:
1 Select the area you want to cut.
2 To store a temporary copy of what you cut on the Clipboard, choose Cut from the Edit
menu (or press
3 To remove the selection without storing a temporary copy of it, press the Delete key.
This completely erases the selection. You cannot paste a copy elsewhere.
Undoing an action
You can reverse an action if you do so before you take another action. For
example, if you press the Delete key to delete a selection, you can restore
what you cut if the cut was the most recent editing action you took.
To undo an action:
Immediately choose Undo from the Edit menu (or press
Zooming in and out
Sometimes you may need to work closely with an image or back away from it
to get an overview. A closer view makes it easier to work with details. A more
distant view makes it easier to work with an image as a whole.
To zoom into and out of an image:
1 Choose Zoom In or Zoom Out from the Image menu.
Zoom In
Takes you closer to the image; elements of the image appear larger.
Zoom Out
Takes you farther away from the image; elements of the image
appear smaller.
2 To return to a 100-percent view, choose Actual Size from the Image menu.
Changes you make with these commands don’t affect the size of the actual
Chapter 5