28 www.xilinx.com PCI v3.0.151 Getting Started Guide
UG157 August 31, 2005
Chapter 3: Family Specific Considerations
Wrapper Files
Wrapper files contain an instance of the PCI interface and the instances of all I/O elements
used by the PCI interface. Each wrapper file is specific to a particular PCI bus signaling
The wrapper files, located in the <Install Path>/hdl/src/wrap directory, are
actually variations of the pcim_lc.hdl file located in the <Install
Path>/hdl/src/xpci directory. When starting a new design, copy the appropriate
wrapper file from the wrap/ directory into the xpci/ directory, and rename it
Constraints Files
The user constraints files contain various constraints required for the PCI interface, and
must always be used while processing a design. Each constraints file is specific to a
particular device and PCI interface—use the appropriate constraints file from the
<Install Path>/hdl/src/ucf directory when processing designs with the Xilinx
implementation tools.
Guide Files
The guide files contain routing information required for high-performance versions of the
PCI interface. Each guide file is specific to a particular device and PCI interface, and must
always be used when required. Guide files are located in the <Install
Path>/hdl/src/guide directory. If a guide file is required, use the appropriate guide
file from the guide directory when processing designs with the Xilinx implementation
Table 3-2 specifies how many guided components and guided connections are included in
each guide file. See this table after implementation to verify your results.
The example design requires the presence of the default pcim_lc.hdl wrapper file in the
xpci/ directory. If you change this file, you must also change the constraints and guide
files used in the processing scripts.
Table 3-2: Guide File Information
Guide File Components Connections
150 134
150 134
214 134
214 134
214 134
214 134
214 134
150 240
153 246
153 246
153 246