Chapter 3 Wireless LANs
NWD2705 User’s Guide
3.2 Wireless LAN Overview
The following figure provides an example of a wireless network with an AP.
Figure 18 Example of a Wireless Network
The wireless network is the part in the blue circle. In this wireless network, devices A and B are
called wireless clients. The wireless clients use the access point (AP) to interact with other devices
(such as the printer) or with the Internet
Every wireless network must follow these basic guidelines.
• Every device in the same wireless network must use the same SSID.
The SSID is the name of the wireless network. It stands for Service Set IDentity.
• If two wireless networks overlap, they should use a different channel.
Like radio stations or television channels, each wireless network uses a specific channel, or
frequency, to send and receive information.
• Every device in the same wireless network must use security compatible with the AP or peer
Security stops unauthorized devices from using the wireless network. It can also protect the
information that is sent in the wireless network.
3.3 Wireless LAN Security
Wireless LAN security is vital to your network to protect wireless communications.
If you do not enable any wireless security on your NWD2705, the NWD2705’s wireless
communications are accessible to any wireless networking device that is in the coverage area.