Collecting data from an agentless data source
Chapter 4 Configuring, managing, and customizing Perceive 139
Agentless data collection is supported on the following platforms:
■ Microsoft Windows 2000
■ Microsoft Windows XP
Prerequisites for agentless data collection
In order for your Perceive application to take full advantage of this functionality, you
must first ensure that the following prerequisites are met:
■ All proxy hosts that will be accessed in Perceive are configured and enabled using
PATROL for Performance Manager for Windows, version 7.1.01 or later. You must:
■ Enable each agentless machine by editing the AgentlessComputers.cfg file.
■ Perform a drill down in Investigate to enable the history data.
■ Specify Use Agentless Computer List in the Agentless Computers Configuration
area of the Proxy Domain Setup dialog box.
For more information on setting up the proxy domain in the Performance console,
refer to the Collecting Data with PATROL
Performance Assurance
■ Perceive is installed in an environment that has access to version 7.1.21 or later
proxy-enabled agents.
■ Collection requests are initiated and history data is enabled (through a drill down)
on agentless systems where Perceive administrators can retrieve historical data.
How Perceive discovers agentless computers
Once the proxy host is set up and configured in PATROL for Performance Manager
for Windows, you can perform a drill down in the Investigate module of PATROL
Performance Assurance for Microsoft Windows Servers to enable the history data.
Perceive can retrieve data from any agentless computers on that proxy host where
agent history data is collected.
You can select which computers you want to display by creating agent history data
sources with the Manage Data Sources page on the
Administration tab.
Agentless data can be retrieved and displayed in Perceive on any of the platforms
supported in this release. However, because PATROL for Performance proxy hosts
are available only on Windows platforms supported by WMI, they can only retrieve
data from those systems.