16 Perceive Getting Started
How this book is organized
How this book is organized
In addition to the user-based structure of the chapters in this book, each chapter starts
with a “Getting Started” section that corresponds to each Getting Started page in the
Perceive User Interface (one each for the consumer, analyst, and administrator
views). This section includes a quick procedure to help Perceive users quickly
perform a task typical for their role using the Getting Started page.
When reading this book, you might want to skip certain conceptual information and
jump right to the “Getting Started” sections with the included user scenarios. Refer to
Table 1-1 to help you navigate.
This book also contains a chapter on metrics and how to evaluate the performance of
your data using these metrics, as well as a table of contents and index to help you
search and find specific information for which you are looking.
Related publications
The following related publications supplement this book and the online Help:
Online and printed books
The books that accompany BMC Software products are available in online and
printed formats. Online books are formatted as Portable Document Format (PDF)
files. Some online books are also formatted as HTML files.
User Chapter Section Page
Consumer 3 Getting Started Viewing Performance Data page 64
Analyst 4 Getting Started Building Custom Views page 95
Administrator 5 Getting Started with Administration page 118
Category Document Description
Perceive Getting Started Provides instructions for installing and
implementing Perceive.
Core documents Perceive Getting Started Provides instructions for installing and
implementing Perceive.
Notices Perceive Release Notes Supplements and supersedes information
found elsewhere in the document set.