Rollers: Pickup, Feed, and Separation
There are three rollers in this assembly. The upper forward roller is the
Pickup Roller, the upper rear roller is the Feed Roller, and the lower roller
is the Separation Roller. The Feed and Separation Rollers are
interchangeable with each other and between Trays 2 and 3 and 4. The
Pickup Roller is interchangeable with the Pickup Rollers in Trays 2 and 3.
• Pickup Roller: Figure 6-62, callout 1
• Feed Roller: Figure 6-62, callout 2
• Separation Roller: Figure 6-62, callout 3
1 Remove the paper tray (see Figure 6-57).
The Feed and Separation Rollers have protruding retaining tabs, and the
Pickup Roller has recessed retaining tabs.
2 From inside the tray cavity, remove the rollers by pinching the retainer tabs
together and sliding the roller off the shaft.
Tray 4 Rollers: Pickup, Feed, and Separation
Figure 6-62
6-76 Removal and Replacement