
Displaying and Customizing Keyboard Maps
18-10 Configuring and Managing 3270 Terminal Emulation (TN3270)
Default Server-Wide Terminal Type and Keyboard Maps
The following table shows the default keyboard map and the associated terminal type:
These particular associations between terminal types and keyboard maps are fixed.
You cannot reassign any of the five default terminal types to different keyboard maps.
You cannot customize any of the individual key assignments for either of the two
default keyboard maps on an access server-wide basis. These default terminal types
and keyboard maps are intended for users who do not need any customization.
You can display the key assignments for the default keyboard map (VT220, in this
example) with this command:
Local> SHOW TN3270 KEYMAP VT220
Defining New Server-Wide Terminal Types and Keyboard Maps
The privileged user can set up new terminal types and keyboard maps; up to six of
each. New terminal types can be associated with one of the default keyboard maps or
with a new keyboard map that has customized individual key assignments.
The first of the following two commands below creates a new terminal type called
PC_100_DCA and associates it with the default VT100 keyboard map. You might
want to do this, for example, if you have PCs that emulate VT100 terminals. The key
assignments for the PC_100_DCA terminal type would look exactly like those for the
VT100 keyboard map.
The second command reassigns PC_100_DCA to an entirely new keyboard map,
called NEW_KEYS. NEW_KEYS starts out looking like the default VT100 keyboard
map until you customize the key assignments (if you choose to do so). Customizing
Server-Wide Keyboard Maps, in this chapter, discusses customization.
You cannot customize the predefined VT100 keyboard map that you set up with the
first command.
Predefined Terminal Type Default Keyboard Map
VT100 VT100
VT220 VT220
VT320 VT220
VT420 VT220