
Managing system users and groups 219
The maximum length for a user name is 255 characters. No
spaces are allowed. Each time the new user logs in to the Nortel
SNAS cluster, the user must enter the name you designate as
the user name in this step.
>> User# add
Name of user to add: cert_admin (maximum 255 characters,
no spaces)
4 Assign the new user to a user group.
You can only assign a user to a group in which you yourself are
a member. When this criterion is met, users can be assigned to
one or more of the following three groups:
By default, the admin user is a member of all groups above,
and can therefore assign a new or existing user to any of these
groups. The group assignment of a user dictates the user rights
and access levels to the system.
>> User# edit cert_admin
>> User cert_admin# groups/add
Enter group name: certadmin
5 Verify and apply the group assignment.
When you enter the list command, the current and pending
group assignment of the user being edited is listed by index
number and group name. Because the cert_admin user is a new
user, the current group assignment listed by Old: is empty.
>> Groups# list
1: certadmin
>> Groups# apply
Changes applied successfully.
6 Define a login password for the user.
When the user logs in to the Nortel SNAS cluster the first time,
the user will be prompted for the password you define in this
step. When successfully logged on, the user can change his or
her own password. The login password is case sensitive and can
contain spaces.
Nortel Secure Network Access Switch
Using the Command Line Interface
NN47230-100 03.01 Standard
28 July 2008
Copyright © 2007, 2008 Nortel Networks