
Steps 391
Figure 29
Specifying the default gateway
8 Enter the IP address of the DNS server (see Figure 30
"Specifying the DNS server" (page 391)).
Figure 30
Specifying the DNS server
In this configuration example, the Nortel SNAS will function as a
captive portal. For the Red VLAN scope, the DNS server must be
the Nortel SNAS portal Virtual IP address (pVIP). For the Yellow and
Green VLAN scopes, enter the IP addresses for the regular DNS
servers in your network.
9 Repeat step 3 through step 8 for each Red, Yellow, and Green
VLAN in the network.
Figure 31 "After all DHCP scopes have been created" (page
392) shows the DHCP scopes created for use in this example.
Nortel Secure Network Access Switch
Using the Command Line Interface
NN47230-100 03.01 Standard
28 July 2008
Copyright © 2007, 2008 Nortel Networks