
316 Managing certificates
command. For more information about the Certificate menu
commands, see “Managing and viewing certificates and keys”
(page 302).
Figure 18
Adding a certificate and private key by importing
Displaying or saving a certificate and key
You can display the current certificate and private key and then save
copies as backup or for export to another device.
When you display the certificate and private key, you are prompted to
protect it with a password phrase. Nortel recommends adding a password
phrase, because this adds an extra layer of security.
Save the certificate by copying the certificate section and pasting it into a
text editor, then saving the text file with a .PEM extension. Similarly, save
the private key by copying the key section and pasting it into a text editor,
then saving the text file with a .PEM extension. You can also save both the
certificate and the private key in one file, with a .PEM extension.
To save a certificate and key in another format, use the /cfg/cert
#/export command (see “Exporting a certificate and key from the Nortel
SNAS ” (page 318)).
To display the current certificate and key or save a copy, perform the
following steps.
Nortel Secure Network Access Switch
Using the Command Line Interface
NN47230-100 03.01 Standard
28 July 2008
Copyright © 2007, 2008 Nortel Networks