
250 Customizing the portal and user logon
/cfg/doamin #/portal/colors
followed by:
color4 <code> Specifies the color fornon-active tabs.
code is the hexadecimal value for the
color, including the # symbol (not case
The default value is #58B2C9.
theme default|aqua|apple|
Specifies the color theme for the portal.
The default is default.
For more information about the portal colors and themes, see Colors
(page 231) .
Configuring custom content
To add custom content, such as Java applets, to the portal, use the
following command:
/cfg/doamin #/portal/content
The Portal Custom Content menu appears.
The Portal Custom Content menu includes the following options:
/cfg/doamin #/portal/content
followed by:
import <protocol> <server>
Imports a content file (in ZIP format) from
the specified TFTP/FTP/SCP/SFTP file
exchange server.
protocol is the import protocol.
Options are tftp|ftp|scp|sftp.The
default is tftp.
server is the host name or IP address
of the server
filename is the name of the content
file (.zip) on the server
The file is saved in the portal’s root
directory and is automatically unpacked.
Nortel Secure Network Access Switch
Using the Command Line Interface
NN47230-100 03.01 Standard
28 July 2008
Copyright © 2007, 2008 Nortel Networks