
Configuring the domain 87
If you do not want to add a network access devices at this time,
press Enter to accept the default value (no). Go to step 12.
11 To add a network access devices, enter the required information
when prompted. For more information, see “Using the quick
switch setup wizard” (page 60).
Do you want to configure a switch? (yes/no) [no]: yes
Enter the type of the switch (ERS8300/ERS5500)
[ERS8300]: IP address of Switch:
NSNA communication port[5000]:
Red vlan id of Switch:
To continue, go to step 12.
12 Specify the action to be performed when an SRS rule check fails.
The options are:
restricted—the session remains intact, but access is
restricted in accordance with the rights specified in the
access rules for the group
teardown—the SSL session is torn down
The default is restricted.
In the event that the Nortel health Agent checks fails
on a client, the session can be teardown, or left in
restricted mode with limited access.
Which action do you want to use for Health Agent check
failure? (teardown/restricted) [restricted]:
13 Specify whether you want to create a test local user (nha) in the
default nhauser group.
Do you want to create a test local user? (yes/no)
If you do want to create a test user, press Enter to accept the
default value (yes). The wizard will create a test user named
nha, with password nha, in the default nhauser group.
If you do not want to create a test user, enter no.
14 Specify whether you want to create a test user for system
Do you want to create a test user for system
authentication? (yes/no) [yes]:
15 Wait while the wizard completes processing to create the
domain, then enter Apply to activate the changes.
The wizard assigns the following default VLAN IDs:
Green VLAN = VLAN ID 110
Yellow VLAN = VLAN ID 120
Nortel Secure Network Access Switch
Using the Command Line Interface
NN47230-100 03.01 Standard
28 July 2008
Copyright © 2007, 2008 Nortel Networks