
Using a Windows domain logon script
to launch the Nortel SNAS portal
This appendix explains how to configure a Windows domain logon script
to automatically launch an end user’s browser on startup and present the
Nortel SNAS portal page.
This appendix includes the following topics:
“Configuring the logon script” (page 501)
“Creating a logon script” (page 502)
“Assigning the logon script” (page 503)
This appendix provides an example of a very basic logon script to launch
the Nortel SNAS portal page. The simple script launches the end user’s
browser every time the user logs on, regardless of connection method. It is
beyond the scope of this document to show additional examples of scripts that
accommodate different modes of connecting to a Nortel SNAS port.
Configuring the logon script
To configure the logon script to automatically launch an end user’s
browser, perform the following steps:
Step Action
1 Create the logon script (see “Creating a logon script” (page
2 On a Windows 2000 domain controller, save the script to the
following directory:
%systemroot% \ SYSVOL \ sysvol \ [Domain Name] \ Policies \
[GUID] \ User \ Scripts \ Logon
Nortel Secure Network Access Switch
Using the Command Line Interface
NN47230-100 03.01 Standard
28 July 2008
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