
Steps 399
>> Main# cfg/sys/adm/srsadmin/ena
Generate and activate the SSH key for communication with the network
access devices:
>> Main# cfg/doamin #/sshkey/generate
Generating new SSH key, this operation takes a few
seconds... done.
Apply to activate.
>> NSNAS SSH key# apply
Create a test SRS rule and specify it for the nhauser group:
>> Group 1# /cfg/doamin #/aaa/nha/quick
In the event that the Nortel Health Agent checks fails on a
the session can be teardown, or left in restricted mode
with limited access.
Which action do you want to use for Nortel Health Agent
failure? (teardown/restricted) [restricted]:
Do you want to create a Nortel Health Agent test user?
[yes]: no
Using existing nha_passed filter
Using existing nha_failed filter
Using existing nha_passed linkset
Using existing nha_failed linkset
Adding test SRS rule srs-rule-test
This rule check for the presence of the file
Using existing nha_passed filter
Use ’diff’ to view pending changes, and ’apply’ to commit
>> NHA# ../group #/srs srs-rule-test
>> Group 1# apply
Adding the network access devices
This example adds the Ethernet Routing Switch 8300manually, and uses
the quick switch wizard to add the Ethernet Routing Switch 5510. In both
cases, the example assumes that the switch is not reachable when it
is added, and the switch public SSH key is therefore not automatically
retrieved by the Nortel SNAS.
Adding the Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 Add the switch manually:
Nortel Secure Network Access Switch
Using the Command Line Interface
NN47230-100 03.01 Standard
28 July 2008
Copyright © 2007, 2008 Nortel Networks