
CLI Main Menu 421
Table 66
Variables (cont’d.)
Variable Use
<var:portal> Expands to the Portal IP address. TIP: The variable can be included
in redirect URLs.
<var:domain> Expands to the domain name specified for the authentication
method of the logged on user.
<var:method> Expands to the access protocol used (http or https).
<var:sslsid> Expands to the SSL session ID in binary format.
<md5:...> Expands the variable or variables (for example, <md5:<user>:<p
assword>>) and computes an MD5 checksum which is Base 64
encoded. TIP: Can be used when creating dynamic HTTP headers.
<base64:...> Expands the variable or variables (for example, <base64:<user>:<p
assword>>) and encodes them using Base 64. TIP: Can be used
when creating dynamic HTTP headers.
<var:nhaFailureReason> Expands to the Nortel Health Agent rule expression and the Nortel
Health Agent rule comment specified for the current SRS rule when
a Nortel Health Agent check has failed.
<var:nhaFailureDetail> Expands to the software definition comment specified for the current
SRS rule, including additional failure details, when a Nortel Health
Agent check has failed.
Operator-defined variables Custom variables can be created to retrieve the desired values from
RADIUS and LDAP databases.
CLI Main Menu
The Main menu appears after a successful connection and login. Figure
32 "CLI main menu" (page 421) represents the Main menu as it appears
when logged on as Administrator. Note that some of the commands are
not available when logged on as Operator.
Figure 32
CLI main menu
Nortel Secure Network Access Switch
Using the Command Line Interface
NN47230-100 03.01 Standard
28 July 2008
Copyright © 2007, 2008 Nortel Networks