3. Remove valve and sealing O-ring from body cap.
4. Extend shock shaft by pulling up on shock eyelet.
Using a 1s (25 mm) or adjustable wrench, loosen
shaft bearing cap.
5. IIf body of shock starts to unscrew from body,
tighten and try again. To keep body from turning,
it may be necessary to use Body Clamp Tool
clamped lightly around body in soft jaws of vise.
Body Clamp Tool
(PN 2871071)
Shock Body Clamp Tool
(PN 2871071)
NOTE: Position body clamp at least 1 1/2s below
bearing cap.
6. Pull shock rod and piston straight out to avoid seal
or valve damage. Be prepared to catch piston
ring when removing the damper rod/valve piston.
7. Remove shock from vise and dispose of used oil
properly. Set shock body aside.
8. Mount damper rod in soft-jawed vise. Loosen
valve nut and clean the valve piston and valving
washers with electrical contact cleaner. Dry
thoroughly with compressed air. Tighten nut and
torque to 12 ft. lbs. (17 Nm).
Valve Nut Torque
12 ft. lbs. (17 Nm)
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