
1. Remove the shift forks, shift fork tubes and shift
drum from the transmission assembly.
2. Remove the main and counter transmission shaft
assemblies and disassemble, keeping the parts
removed in order for ease of reassembly. Inspect
the shift forks, shift drum, shift dogs, gear teeth
and shaft splines for damage. Their edges should
be square and sharp. If any components are
found to be rounded, worn, or otherwise
damaged, they must be replaced.
Main Shaft Assembly
Counter Shaft Assembly
3. Inspect the shaft support bearings in the
crankcase halves. Replace if any roughness or
wear is felt. See page 3.33 for crankcase bearing
4. To reassemble, reverse the procedures using the
following photos for reference.
T ransmission Reassembly:
NOTE: Shift forks are sized to fit the shift dogs. Do
not attempt to force. Test fit all pieces for familiarity
before assembly.
1. Join and insert the counter shaft assembly, main
shaft assembly and “L” shift fork (face up) into the
stator side casehalve. Do not insert shift fork pins
at this time.
NOTE: Do not to allow transmission parts to fall from
their assemblies during installation. Parts that are out
of alignment will cause improper casehalve mating,
resulting in transmission binding. Use of assembly
lube to “stick” parts together for ease of installation is
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