6. Re--check all cam timing marks to verify proper
cam timing, and install the cam tower. Tighten the
bolts evenly in a criss--cross pattern to
specification. Do not rotate engine until the
tensioner has been installed to avoid chain
slip and loss of timing reference.
7. Install the tensioner assembly. (Refer to Pg
3.13--3.14). Verify timing by rotating the
crankshaft two full revolutions (720 degrees),
checking for valve--to--piston interference which
would indicate a problem with cam timing. If
interference is noted, immediately stop rotation
and reverify cam timing.
NOTE: Rotating the engine during verification will
cause the timing alignment marks to rotate out of
phase, and will take as many as 20 revolutions to
come back into phase. To maintain alignment of
the marks if needed, rotate the engine backward
the same number of turns as forward.
8. With timing procedure completed, install the
primary drive sprocket, washer and nut onto the
crankshaft. Torque to specification.
1. Install the thrustwasher chamfered side inward,
the cam sprocket with algnment mark outward.
2. With chain in place and cam timing having been
performed, install the primary drive sprocket,
washer and nut onto the crankshaft. Torque to
59-74 ft lbs (80-100 Nm).
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