NOTE: Follow engine disassembly procedures to
remove valve cover, camshafts and cylinder head.
Removal of clutch basket is required for this
1. Using a 9/32” Allen wrench, remove the rear cam
chain tensioner blade from the cylinder.
2. Loosen the 3 oil pipe banjo bolts, remove the bolts
and sealing washers. Remove the pipes.
3. Tap cylinder lightly with a plastic hammer in
reinforced areas until loose.
4. Rock cylinder forward and backward and lift it
from the crankcase, exposing the piston and
connecting rod. Support piston with Piston
Support Block (PN 2870390).
5. Remove dowel pins from crankcase.
1. Remove circlip. Note piston directional aid that is
pointing toward the right (stator) side of engine.
Directional aid
2. Remove piston circlip and push piston pin out of
piston. If necessary, heat the crown of the piston
slightly with a propane torch to aid removal.
CAUTION: Do not apply heat to the piston rings.
The ring may lose radial tension.
3. Remove top compression ring.
*Using a piston ring pliers: Carefully expand ring
and lift it off the piston. CAUTION: Do not expand the
ring more than the amount necessary to remove it
from the piston, or the ring may break.
*By hand: Placing both thumbs as shown, spread the
ring open and push up onthe opposite side. Take care
to not scratch the ring lands.
4. Repeat procedure for second ring.
Enfocus Software - Customer Support