37. Fill the two holes that are on either side of the
adjuster--drum stub with assembly grease. Insert
one new spring into each hole. Place one new
clicker ball in the center of each spring. Orient the
#1 position of knob with the position indicator of
the CD housing. (Fig. 15) Install the compression
adjustment knob onto adjuster--drum stub. Apply
even pressure on knob and press down
completely. The clicker balls should recess down
into the holes. If they do not, slowly remove the
knob, re--seat the clicker balls and try again. Once
knob is in position, insert a 5/32” Hex Key into the
bleed hole of the CD housing. Secure knob with
flat head screw using a 3/32” Hex Key. Install dust
shield o--ring by stretching it over the top of the
compression adjuster knob.
38. Remove the CD housing outer o--ring. Use
extreme caution to avoid scratching the o--ring
groove. Lubricate the new o--ring with assembly
lube, and install it onto the housing.
39. Check the bore of reservoir for any visible signs of
wear or damage. Insert the CD housing into the
end of the reservoir with the large chamfer on
outside edge (Some reservoirs will not have this
chamfer. Orientation is not critical on these
reservoirs). (Fig. 16) Push the CD housing far
enough into the reservoir to expose the CD
housing retaining ring groove. Insert the retaining
ring into groove. Check to make sure ring is
properly seated. Pull CD housing out of reservoir
until it engages securely with retaining ring.
40. Set body assembly aside on a clean, lint free
paper towel.
41. Clamp the shaft eyelet securely in vise with the
piston end up.
42. Using a 1/4” Flat Blade Screwdriver (newer jets
use a 5/32” internal hex),
remove rebound jet from end of shaft by rotating it
in a counter--clockwise direction. (Fig. 17)
43. Using a 3/4” wrench, remove piston lock nut from
end of shaft.
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