50. Once the eyelet has been given sufficient time to
cool, use an adjustable wrench to remove it from
the shaft. Clean the thread--locking compound
from eyelet and shaft threads, and set it aside.
51. Using a scribe or dental pick, push the exposed
end of the rebound metering rod into the shock
shaft, until it comes out of the piston assembly
end. Wipe off any residual oil that coats the
rebound--metering rod and set it aside on a clean,
lint free paper towel. NOTE: Be very careful to
avoid damaging the needle that is attached to the
end of the metering rod.
52. Use snap ring pliers to remove the retaining ring
from the shaft end. (Fig. 23) Use a scribe or dental
pick to remove the brass support washer and
metering rod o--ring from end of shaft. (Fig. 24)
Use extreme caution not to scratch o--ring gland.
Clean all thread locking compound from the end
of the shaft.
53. Lubricate the new metering rod o--ring and o--ring
gland with assembly lube. Install the o--ring,
making sure the o--ring is properly seated in the
gland. Install brass support washer, with the
stepped side against o--ring. Install the new snap
ring. Make sure the rounded side of the snap ring
faces the brass support washer. Check to make
sure snap ring is properly seated.
54. Apply small amount of thread locking compound
(Loctite #271 -- PN 2871954) to shaft threads, and
screw the eyelet assembly onto the shaft end.
Torque eyelet to 35ft.lbs. (47 Nm).
55. Remove the shaft from clamps.
56. Using a small pair of needle nose pliers, grab the
lip of the bearing cap dust seal. Use an inward
prying motion to remove the seal. (Fig. 25)
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