57. Using a small pair of needle nose pliers, grab the
lip of the U--cup seal in the bearing assembly. Use
an inward prying motion to remove the seal. (Fig.
26) Use a scribe or a dental pick to remove the
o--ring seal from center of the bearing assembly.
(Fig. 27) NOTE: Use extreme caution when
removing seals from bearing assembly. Do not
scratch the o--ring groove, or DU bushing. Doing
so will compromise the performance of the shock.
58. Thoroughly clean the bearing, bearing cap, and
piston assembly with solvent. Dry with
compressed air in a well ventilated area. If
compressed air is not available, dry parts using
clean, lint free paper towels and let sit in a well
ventilated area to allow the remaining solvent to
59. Install new dust seal into bearing cap. Seal should
be installed with lip protruding from the flat side of
the bearing cap. Check to make sure seal is
properly seated. If a tool is required to aid in
proper seating of seal, use the non--writing end of
a pen, or a similar soft, blunt object, to push it in.
(Fig. 28)
60. Install the new, well lubricated, o--ring into the
bearing housing. Correct o--ring placement is in
the groove next to the DU bushing. Check to
make sure the seal is properly seated, and is not
twisted. If a tool is required to aid in proper seating
of o--ring, use the non--writing end of a pen, or a
similar soft, blunt object, to push it in.
61. Install the new U--cup seal into bearing. U--cup
should be installed so the cupped end is facing the
DU bushing inside of bearing. Check to make
sure seal is properly seated. If a tool is required to
aid in proper seating of U--cup seal, use the
non--writing end of a pen, or a similar soft, blunt
object, to push it in. (Fig. 29)
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