8. Position shock in vise with Body Clamp Tool .
Clean body clamp tool before installing.
Shock Body Clamp Tool
(PN 2871071)
9. Using an open end or large adjustable wrench,
unscrew the body cap from the body.
10. Inspect O-ring in body cap for damage.
11. Note location of Allen screw in internal floating
piston (IFP) for reassembly in body tube.
Remove IFP through bottom body cap
(external threaded end) using IFP tool. Be
prepared to catch piston ring and piston as it
comes out. Remove Allen screw from center of
piston. Inspect bleeder screw O-ring and IFP
sealing O-ring for wear or damage. Replace
O-rings upon reassembly.
12. Carefully clean all parts thoroughly with electrical
contact cleaner or solvent and dry with compressed
air. Inspect shock body for scratches or wear.
1. Install bleeder screw in IFP until O-ring is lightly
NOTE: Bleeder screw must be positioned toward
body cap (externally threaded) end of shock body.
2. Compress flexible piston ring around valve piston
and install piston into shock body.
Enfocus Software - Customer Support