The following components can be serviced or
removed with the engine installed in the frame:
G Flywheel
G Alternator/Stator
G Starter Motor/Starter Drive
G Water Pump / Water Pump
Mechanical Seal*
*Mechanical Water Pump Seal Removal Tool (PN
2872105) is required to replace mechanical seal with
engine in frame.
The following components require engine
removal for service:
G Counterbalance Shaft or Bearing(s)
G Connecting Rod
G Crankshaft
G Crankshaft Main Bearings
G Cylinder Head
G Cylinder
G Piston/RIngs
G Camshaft
G Cams
G Cam Chain and Sprockets
G Transmission Gears and Bearings
1. Thoroughly clean the ATV engine and chassis.
2. Clean work area.
3. Support the ATV with jackstands under the
footrests at a height sufficient to raise the rear
wheels off the floor at least 5 inches (12.7 cm)
4. Drain coolant and engine oil.
5. Disconnect battery cables, starting with the
negative (-) cable first.
6. Remove the following components:
G Seat
G Front Cab (Refer to Chapter 5)
G Fuel Tank (Refer to Chapter 4)
G RH footwell (Refer to Chapter 5)
7. Remove air intake duct.
8. Remove carburetor (Caution: fuel will leak if carb
is turned upside down). In most instances, the
carburetor will not have to be disconnected from
the throttle cable, choke cable and fuel line for
engine removal. Insert a shop towel into the
carburetor flange to prevent dirt from entering the
intake of the engine.
9. Disconnect all electrical connections to the
engine. (coolant sensor, neutral switch, plug wire,
starter cable, ground cable, ) Remove the
magneto side cover, leaving the electrical
components attached, and secure out of the way.
10. Remove clutch linkage and secure out of the way.
11. Remove fasteners from exhaust pipe and remove
header pipe.
12. Remove oil tank and hoses as an assembly.
Disconnect vent line and secure out of the way.
13. Loosen chain, disconnect and remove . NOTE:
An acceptable alternative is to remove the
transmission drive sprocket and roll chain off.
14. Remove all engine mount nuts and engine mount
plates, starting at the rear with the combination
engine/swing arm pivot mount first. Using a
suitable tool, push the bolt out far enough to
loosen the engine, but not drop the swing arm
pivot. Use a jack under the bearing carrier to
relieve tension from the pivot bolt for easier
removal and installation.
15. With an assistant helping you, remove the engine
by tilting forward and turning to exit through left
side of frame.
To reinstall the engine, reverse the procedures. Refer
to engine installation notes on Page 3.8.
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