9. If bearing cap and/or seals are to be replaced,
remove nut, washer, and valve piston with valving
washers and set aside. Keep washers in order and
note orientation of slots in piston for proper
re-installation. The side with the greater number of
slots must face the damper rod nut (toward IFP).
1. Remove bearing cap from damper rod. Inspect
seals, o-ring, and bushing inside cap. Inspect cap
O-ring and replace if torn or damaged.
2. Using a small screwdriver or scribe pry upper
seal, main seal, and O-ring out of bearing cap.
Use care to avoid scratching the seal cavity.
3. Clean seal cavity and inspect bushing for wear or
damage and replace bearing cap if necessary.
4. Lubricate new seals and O-ring with Polaris shock
oil and install. Be sure the seals are seated
completely in the seal cavity.
5. Inspect jounce bumper (where applicable) and
replace if damaged.
6. Inspect damper rod for nicks, scratches or
abrasion. Install bearing cap and thick backing
washer on damper rod. Install compression valve
washer stack in same order as disassembly.
Install valve piston with greater number of slots
facing damper rod nut (toward IFP). Install
rebound stack, washer, and a new nut. Torque
nut to 12 ft. lbs. (17 Nm).
Valve Nut Torque
12 ft. lbs. (17 Nm)
7. Inspect valve piston ring for wear. The outer
surface of the ring should be even in color. Set
aside damper rod assembly for reinstallation.
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