36 Netra 440 Server System Administration Guide • August 2004
Note – Do not use the scadm utility while SunVTS™ diagnostics are running. See
your SunVTS documentation for more information.
You must be logged in to the system as root to use the scadm utility. The scadm
utility uses the following syntax:
The scadm utility sends its output to stdout. You can also use scadm in scripts to
manage and configure ALOM from the host system.
For more information about the scadm utility, refer to the following:
■ scadm man page
■ Advanced Lights Out Manager User’s Guide (817-5481-xx)
▼ To View Environmental Information
1. Log in to the ALOM system controller.
2. Use the showenvironment command to display a snapshot of the server’s
environmental status.
# scadm command
sc> showenvironment
=============== Environmental Status ===============
System Temperatures (Temperatures in Celsius):
Sensor Status Temp LowHard LowSoft LowWarn HighWarn HighSoft HighHard
C0.P0.T_CORE OK 48 -20 -10 0 97 102 120
C1.P0.T_CORE OK 53 -20 -10 0 97 102 120
C2.P0.T_CORE OK 49 -20 -10 0 97 102 120
C3.P0.T_CORE OK 57 -20 -10 0 97 102 120
C0.T_AMB OK 28 -20 -10 0 70 82 87
C1.T_AMB OK 33 -20 -10 0 70 82 87
C2.T_AMB OK 27 -20 -10 0 70 82 87
C3.T_AMB OK 28 -20 -10 0 70 82 87
MB.T_AMB OK 32 -18 -10 0 65 75 85