68 Netra 440 Server System Administration Guide • August 2004
ttyb-rts-dtr-off true, false false If true, operating system does not assert
rts (request-to-send) and dtr
(data-transfer-ready) on ttyb.
ttyb-ignore-cd true, false true If true, operating system ignores carrier-
detect on ttyb.
ttya-rts-dtr-off true, false false If true, operating system does not assert
rts (request-to-send) and dtr
(data-transfer-ready) on serial management
ttya-ignore-cd true, false true If true, operating system ignores carrier-
detect on serial management port.
ttyb-mode baud_rate, bits,
parity, stop,
9600,8,n,1,- ttyb (baud rate, number of bits, parity,
number of stops, handshake).
ttya-mode 9600,8,n,1,- 9600,8,n,1,- Serial management port (baud rate, bits,
parity, stop, handshake). The serial
management port only works at the default
output-device ttya, ttyb,
ttya Power-on output device.
input-device ttya, ttyb,
ttya Power-on input device.
auto-boot-on-error? true, false false If true, boot automatically after system
load-base 0-n 16384 Address.
auto-boot? true, false true If true, boot automatically after power on
or reset.
boot-command variable name boot Action following a boot command.
diag-file variable name none File from which to boot if diag-switch?
is true.
diag-device variable name net Device from which to boot if
diag-switch? is true.
boot-file variable name none File from which to boot if diag-switch?
is false.
boot-device variable name disk net Device(s) from which to boot if
diag-switch? is false.
use-nvramrc? true, false false If true, execute commands in NVRAMRC
during server startup.
TABLE A-1 OpenBoot Configuration Variables Stored on the System Configuration Card (Continued)
Variable Possible Values Default Value Description