Chapter 2 Managing RAS Features and System Firmware 47
where the device-identifier is one of the following:
■ Any full physical device path, as reported by the OpenBoot show-devs
■ Any valid device alias, as reported by the OpenBoot devalias command
■ Any device identifier from TABLE 2-2
Note – The device identifiers are not case sensitive. You can type them as uppercase
or lowercase characters.
■ To determine full physical device paths, type:
The show-devs command lists the system devices and displays the full path
name of each device.
■ To display a list of current device aliases, type:
TABLE 2-2 Device Identifiers and Devices
Device Identifiers Devices
cpu0-bank0, cpu0-bank1, cpu0-bank2, cpu0-bank3, ... cpu3-
bank0, cpu3-bank1, cpu3-bank2, cpu3-bank3
Memory banks 0–3 for each CPU
cpu0-bank*, cpu1-bank*, ... cpu3-bank* All memory banks for each CPU
ob-ide On-board IDE controller
ob-net0, ob-net1 On-board Ethernet controllers
ob-scsi On-board Ultra-4 SCSI controller
pci-slot0, pci-slot1, ... pci-slot5 PCI slots 0–5
pci-slot* All PCI slots
pci* All on-board PCI devices (on-board
Ethernet, Ultra-4 SCSI) and all PCI slots
hba8, hba9 PCI bridge chips 0 and 1, respectively
ob-usb0, ob-usb1 USB devices
* All devices
ok show-devs
ok devalias