Chapter 2 Managing RAS Features and System Firmware 39
OpenBoot Emergency Procedures
The introduction of Universal Serial Bus (USB) keyboards with the newest Sun
systems has made it necessary to change some of the OpenBoot emergency
procedures. Specifically, the Stop-N, Stop-D, and Stop-F commands that were
available on systems with non-USB keyboards are not supported on systems that use
USB keyboards, such as the Netra 440 server. If you are familiar with the earlier
(non-USB) keyboard functionality, this section describes the analogous OpenBoot
emergency procedures available in newer systems that use USB keyboards.
OpenBoot Emergency Procedures for Systems
With Non-USB Keyboards
TABLE 2-1 summarizes the Stop key command functions for systems that use
standard (non-USB) keyboards.
TABLE 2-1 Stop Key Command Functions for Systems With Standard (Non-USB)
Standard (Non-USB)
Keyboard Command Description
Stop Bypass POST. This command does not depend on security
Stop-A Abort.
Stop-D Enter the diagnostic mode (set diag-switch? to true).
Stop-F Enter Forth on ttya instead of probing. Use fexit to
continue with the initialization sequence. Useful when there
is a hardware problem.
Stop-N Reset OpenBoot configuration variables to their default