OpenBoot Configuration Variables
TABLE A-1 describes the OpenBoot firmware configuration variables stored on the
system configuration card (SCC). The OpenBoot configuration variables are printed
here in the order in which they appear when you issue the showenv command.
TABLE A-1 OpenBoot Configuration Variables Stored on the System Configuration Card
Variable Possible Values Default Value Description
test-args variable_name none Default test arguments passed to OpenBoot
Diagnostics. For more information and a
list of possible test argument values, refer
to the Netra 440 Server Diagnostics and
Troubleshooting Guide.
diag-passes 0-n 1 Defines the number of times self-test
methods are performed.
local-mac-address? true, false false If true, network drivers use their own
MAC address, not the server MAC
fcode-debug? true, false false If true, include name fields for plug-in
device FCodes.
silent-mode? true, false false Suppress all messages if true and
diag-switch? is false.
scsi-initiator-id 0-15 7 SCSI ID of the Ultra-4 SCSI controller.
oem-logo? true, false false If true, use custom OEM logo; otherwise,
use Sun logo.
oem-banner? true, false false If true, use custom OEM banner.
ansi-terminal? true, false true If true, enable ANSI terminal emulation.
screen-#columns 0-n 80 Sets number of columns on screen.
screen-#rows 0-n 34 Sets number of rows on screen.