78 Netra 440 Server System Administration Guide • August 2004
default system console configuration, 4
device identifiers, listed, 47
device reconfiguration, manual, 48
device unconfiguration, manual, 46
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 17
diag-device (OpenBoot configuration
variable), 43
disk configuration
concatenation, 54
hot-spares, 56
mirroring, 54
RAID 0, 55
RAID 1, 55
RAID 5, 56
striping, 55
disk drives
Activity, 65
OK-to-Remove, 61, 64, 65
logical device names, table, 57
disk hot-plug
mirrored disk, 61
non-mirrored disk, 62
disk mirror (RAID 0), See hardware disk mirror
disk slot number, reference, 57
disk striping with parity (RAID 5), 56
disk volumes
about, 51
deleting, 60
DMP (Dynamic Multipathing), 52
dtterm (Solaris utility), 23
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
client on network management port, 17, 18
Dynamic Multipathing (DMP), 52
environmental information, viewing, 36
error handling, summary, 43
error-reset-recovery (OpenBoot
configuration variable), 49
escape sequence (#.), ALOM system controller, 9
externally initiated reset (XIR)
invoking from sc> prompt, 12
fsck (Solaris command), 12
go (OpenBoot command), 13
graceful system halt, 11, 14
graphics monitor
accessing system console from, 29
connecting to PCI graphics card, 29
restrictions against using for initial setup, 29
restrictions against using to view POST
output, 29
halt, gracefully, advantages of, 11, 14
hardware disk mirror
about, 56
checking the status of, 59
hot-plug operation, 61
hardware watchdog mechanism
enabling, 49
hot-plug operation
non-mirrored disk drive, 62
on hardware disk mirror, 61
hot-spares (disk drives), 56
See also disk configuration
init (Solaris command), 11, 14
input-device (OpenBoot configuration
variable), 21, 29, 31
attaching, 29
keyboard sequences
L1-A, 10, 11, 14
Stop-A (non-USB keyboard sequence), See L1-A
keyboard sequence
Stop-D (non-USB keyboard sequence), 39