40 Netra 440 Server System Administration Guide • August 2004
OpenBoot Emergency Procedures for Systems
With USB Keyboards
The following sections describe how to perform the functions of the Stop commands
on systems that use USB keyboards, such as the Netra 440 server. These same
functions are available through Sun Advanced Lights Out Manager (ALOM) system
controller software.
Stop-A Functionality
Stop-A (Abort) key sequence works the same as it does on systems with standard
keyboards, except that it does not work during the first few seconds after the server
is reset. In addition, you can issue the ALOM system controller break command.
For more information, see
“Reaching the ok Prompt” on page 10.
Stop-N Functionality
Stop-N functionality is not available. However, the Stop-N functionality can be
closely emulated by completing the following steps, provided the system console is
configured to be accessible using either the serial management port or the network
management port.
▼ To Restore OpenBoot Configuration Defaults
1. Log in to the ALOM system controller.
2. Type the following command:
This command resets the default OpenBoot configuration variables.
sc> bootmode reset_nvram
SC Alert: SC set bootmode to reset_nvram, will expire
Bootmode: reset_nvram
Expires TUE FEB 18 18:44:41 2003