
Index 81
uadmin, 1 1
uname, 25
uname -r, 25
Solaris Volume Manager, 52, 53
Solstice DiskSuite, 54
Stop (non-USB keyboard) command, 39
Stop-A (non-USB keyboard sequence)
See L1-A keyboard sequence
Stop-A (USB keyboard functionality), 40
Stop-D (non-USB keyboard command), 39
Stop-D (USB keyboard functionality), 41
Stop-F (non-USB keyboard command), 39
Stop-F (USB keyboard functionality), 41
Stop-N (non-USB keyboard command), 39
Stop-N (USB keyboard functionality), 40
striping of disks, 55
Sun StorEdge 3310, 53
Sun StorEdge A5x00, 53
Sun StorEdge T3, 53
Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software (TMS), 52,
suspending the operating environment
software, 12
sync (Solaris command), 12
system console
accessing via alphanumeric terminal, 26
accessing via graphics monitor, 29
accessing via terminal server, 2, 19
accessing via tip connection, 22
alphanumeric terminal connection, 2, 26
alternate configurations, 6
configuring local graphics monitor to access, 29
connection using graphics monitor, 7
default configuration explained, 2, 4
default connections, 4
defined, 1
Ethernet attachment through network
management port, 2
graphics monitor connection, 3, 7
multiple view sessions, 9
redirecting output to ttyb (terminal server
connection), 21
sc> prompt, switching between, 15
setting OpenBoot configuration variables for, 31
system reset scenarios, 44
system status LEDs
Locator, 37, 38
terminal server
accessing system console from, 5, 19
connection through patch panel, 19
pinouts for crossover cable, 20
tip (Solaris command), 23
tip connection
accessing system console, 22
accessing terminal server, 22
ttyb port
redirecting console output (terminal server
connection), 21
verifying baud rate, 28
verifying settings on, 28
ttyb-mode (OpenBoot configuration variable), 28
uadmin (Solaris command), 11
uname (Solaris command), 25
uname -r (Solaris command), 25
VERITAS Volume Manager, 52, 53
volume management software, 52
XIR, See externally initiated reset (XIR)