
80 Netra 440 Server System Administration Guide August 2004
PCI graphics card
configuring to access system console, 29
connecting graphics monitor to, 29
physical device name (disk drive), 57
port settings, verifying on ttyb, 28
power-off (OpenBoot command), 21, 24, 27
poweroff (sc> command), 12
poweron (sc> command), 12
probe-ide (OpenBoot command), 11
probe-scsi (OpenBoot command), 11
probe-scsi-all (OpenBoot command), 11
RAID (redundant array of independent disks)
disk concatenation, 54
hardware mirror, See hardware disk mirror
striping, 55
RAID 0 (striping), 55
RAID 1 (mirroring), 55
RAID 5 (striping with parity), 56
raidctl (Solaris command), 57 to 62
redundant array of independent disks, See RAID
(redundant array of independent disks)
manual system, 12, 14
scenarios, 44
reset (sc> command), 12
reset -x (sc> command), 12
reset-all (OpenBoot command), 30, 45, 48
run levels
explained, 9
ok prompt and, 9
sc> commands
bootmode diag, 41
bootmode reset_nvram, 40
break, 11
console, 11, 41
console -f, 9
poweroff, 12
poweron, 12
reset, 12, 41
reset -x, 12
setlocator, 37, 38
setsc, 18
showlocator, 38
shownetwork, 18
sc> prompt
about, 8, 34
accessing from network management port, 9
accessing from serial management port, 9
multiple sessions, 9
system console escape sequence (#.), 9
system console, switching between, 15
ways to access, 9
scadm (Solaris utility), 35
serial management port (SERIAL MGT)
acceptable console device connections, 5
as default communication port on initial
startup, 2
configuration parameters, 17
default system console configuration, 4
using, 16
SERIAL MGT, See serial management port
set-defaults (OpenBoot command), 41
setenv (OpenBoot command), 21, 29
setlocator (sc> command), 38
setlocator (Solaris command), 38
setsc (sc> command), 18
show-devs (OpenBoot command), 47
showenv (OpenBoot command), 67
shownetwork (sc> command), 18
shutdown (Solaris command), 11, 14
Solaris commands
cfgadm, 63
cfgadm install_device, cautions against
using, 64
cfgadm remove_device, cautions against
using, 64
fsck, 12
init, 11, 14
raidctl, 57 to 62
scadm, 35
setlocator, 37, 38
showlocator, 38
shutdown, 11, 14
sync, 12
tip, 22, 23