
Programming Codes iTherm
280 Programmer’s Guide
Page 130 Rev C 28-07764
can also be saved in user store. However, only one character definition and one macro can be
active at any time. One macro and one user-defined character definition can be flagged to load
and run at startup. If a flag is set, the printer will automatically process the macro and/or load
the user-defined character set at initialization.
Because user store is intended to be loaded only a few times and then printed as part of normal
operation, the programmer must take some care during the definition phase. The programmer
must assume the responsibility to assure the 16K buffer size is not exceeded. User store can
save macros and user-defined character sets.
When the basic user store is full, it can be moved to extended user store. Individual items in the
extended user store can not be erased. The entire extended user store must be erased all at
once. You may place two items in user store with the same name and the last defined item will
be used.
Defining Macros
Macros can be defined two ways. The first is by using the begin and end named macro
commands. These commands start the recording process and automatically save the macro
when it is complete. The macro data is not processed, as it is sent to the printer.
Function Begin named macro record
ASCII [ESC] [US] b <Name..> <0>
Then send the data to be recorded. The printer does not process the data. The
terminating <0> may be replaced with an & or redefined. See [ESC] [EM]T<n> or
&%UT<n> on page 136.
Function End name macro record
ASCII [ESC] [US] e <Name..> <0>
The second way to define macros is to use [ESC] g commands to define the
macro, and then the save macro data command to save the data. The
terminating <0> may be replaced with an & or redefined. See [ESC] [EM]T<n> or
&%UT<n> on page 136.
Function Start macro record
ASCII [ESC] g <1>Then send the data to be recorded. (The data is processed and
Function Stop macro record
ASCII [ESC] g <2>Then save the macro.
Function Save macro data
ASCII [ESC] [US] m <Name..><0>
Saving User-defined Characters. To save user-defined characters, first define
the character set.