
Programming Codes iTherm
280 Programmer’s Guide
Page 236 Rev C 28-07764
Specific iTherm
280 Commands
The iTherm® 280 has a number of extended control commands designed to make operation
and maintenance of the printer easier for the host application refer to the iTherm® 280 extended
control discussion on page 170.
Panel Button Commands
Function Enable/Disable Paper Feed
ASCII [ESC] p 5 <n>
Hexadecimal 1BH 70H 35H <n>
Decimal <27> <112> <53> <n>
Range 0 n 255
Description The [ESC] c 5 <n> command enables or disables the FEED Button.
Where <n> Bit 0 = 1 the FEED Button is disabled
Bit 0 = 0 the button is enabled.
Paper Out/Low Sensor Commands
Function Paper Low Sensor
ASCII [ESC] p 4 <n>
Hexadecimal 1BH 70H 34H <n>
Decimal <27> <112> <52> <n>
Range 0 n 255
Description The [ESC] c 4 <n> command determines if the printer stops printing when paper
low is detected.
Where <n> 0 Printer continues to print with paper low.
1 Printer stops printing when paper low is detected.
Function Paper Error Signal Control
ASCII [ESC] p 3 <n>
Hexadecimal 1BH 70H 33H <n>
Decimal <27> <112> <51> <n>
Range 0 n 255
Description The [ESC] c 3 <n> command controls how the paper error pin on the parallel
interface operates.
Where <n> Bit 0 controls paper low operation.
If Bit 0 = 1 Paper low will set the paper error pin.
If Bit 0 = 0 Paper low will not effect the paper error pin.
Bit 2 controls how paper out effects the paper error pin.
If Bit 2 = 1 Paper out will set the paper error pin.
If Bit 2 = 0 Paper out will not effect the paper error pin.
Note: The paper out sensor will always stop printing.
The default setting allows only paper out to control the paper error pin.
The Epson section has the following description of the enable/disable paper feed command.