
280 Programmer’s Guide ITherm® 280 File System
28-07764 Rev C Page 283
File System Interface
The ITherm 280 provides a file system to support fonts, configuration information, user graphics
and macros.
There are a number of commands that are provided to support the file system. In general, files
need to be opened for read or write, read or written, and then closed. There is a command that
will delete a file, and print or return a file directory.
TransAct Technologies provides a Windows
based tool that will interact with the ITherm 280
and provide a drag and drop interface to the file system.
The file system in the ITherm 280 is partitioned into two sections, one for internal system use by
the printer, and one for user information.
The system partition is referred to as partition 0. It is reserved for fonts, configurations and code
page files. This partition can not be deleted or completely erased. The second partition is for all
other information. There is a command that will erase all the files in this partition. The partition
where files are placed is determined by the three character extension.
File System commands
Function Open File command. All
ASCII [ESC] [RS] O < Mode > <space> < Filename ><0>
Hexadecimal 1BH 1EH 4FH
Decimal <27> <30> <79>
Mode Mode of operation “r” for read or “w” for write.
FileName File name from 1 to 30 characters including a three character extension.
Description The [ESC] [RS]O command will select and open a file for the selected operation.
If the file being opened for write exists, the existing file will be overwritten. Note
that only one file may be open for external operations at any one time.
The Mode and FileName take the following format and must be null terminated:
r Filename.ext<0>
Valid Modes are:
“r” Read.
“w” Write
“w+” Write Append (Future enhancement)
“ram” open a RAM file for write.
RAM files capability is an optio
n and not available on all products.
File Extensions are any three characters. The following are predefined and reserved for internal
0= System