2. Web Configuration Interface
•Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically –WhentheDHCPmodecheckboxischecked,thischeckboxisalsochecked.
•DNS Server–WheninDHCP mode, check the checkbox next to DNS Servertomanuallyassignitsaddress.Whenthe
Stateless or Static mode checkboxes are checked, the Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically checkbox is deactivated,
and you must manually enter a DNS Serveraddress.EnteraDNSServeraddressappropriateforyournetwork.
•AftermakinganychangestotheKVM’sLANsettings,clickontheSave button at the top of the screen to save them. Upon
clicking Save, you will be prompted to reboot the KVM to finish implementation of the new Device settings.
Click Yes to proceed.
Configuring the SNMP settings:
portfails.Uponreceivingnoticationofthefailure,LANredundancyisenabled.Note: If both LANs fail, a message cannot be
sent to the SNMP server.
•Trap Recipient Address – The Trap Recipient Address section provides three types of addresses that you can enter for the
SNMPserverthatyouwanttrapstobesentto:IPv4, IPv6, and Host. Check the checkbox of the type of address you wish to
•Community –Inthiseld,typeintheSNMPwritecommunitystringtobeusedforauthenticationofmessagessent
•AftermakinganychangestotheKVM’sSNMP settings, click on the Save button at the top of the screen to save them.
Upon clicking Save, you will be prompted to reboot the KVM to finish implementation of the new Device settings.
Click Yes to proceed.
2.4.5 Users
The Users tab in the Configuration section allows administrators to Add, Edit, and Delete accounts on the KVM. Up to 256 accounts can be
added, with any combination of Administrators and Users. The following section describes this page, and how to configure accounts.
• Administrator – Hasunrestrictedaccesstoallwindowsandsettings,andcanchangethenameandpasswordofallusers.
• User – Can access and control Target Servers that they are given access to by an administrator. Users cannot access the Configure or
Events sectionsoftheWebCongurationInterface,norcantheydisconnectremotesessions.Wheninaremotesession,theyarenot
allowed to access the power management functionality.