SCANTEAM 3700 Wedge Technical Manual
5.1 Data Formatter Selections
Require Data Format
When this programming selection is disabled, the bar code data will be output
to the host as scanned (including preambles and postambles). When enabled,
all input data must conform to an edited format or the 3700 Wedge will not
transmit the input data to the host device. Default = Disable.
Data Format Editor
This programming selection provides editing of all input (scanned) data. All
Industrial and Retail symbologies can be formatted. You may scan the Clear
All Data Formats bar code ifyou are sure
you want to deleteĂor clear allformats.
Use the Data Format Editor by following the steps below:
➊ Scan the Enter Data Format bar code to start Format Editor selection.
➋ Terminal Type
Scan two bar codes that represent the terminal type (00-03[, inside
back cover or on page 2-3 in the Terminal Selection Programming
Instructions section.)
➌ Code I.D.
Refer to the Symbology chart (page 4-5), then scan two bar codes
from the Hex Value" column that represent the Code I.D. of the
symbology you want formatted.
➍ Length
Scan two bar codes representing the bar code length you require
(00-99[). Be sure to include all spaces in the bar code length.
To make Data Format Editor selections, you'll need to know the terminal type, code
I.D., code length, and editor commands your application requires. Use the
Alpha-numeric bar codes (inside back cover) to scan these options. For Hex values
of ASCII characters, refer to the Hex to ASCII Conversion Chart on page 4-5.
➎ Editor Command Sequences
Refer to the Format Editor Commands chart (page 5-3). Scan two
bar codes that represent the command you need.
➏ End Format (FF)
Scan F" twice to end Format Editor selection.
Scan the Show Formats bar code to transmit the existing Data Format Editor
formats. One format per line will be printed out.
Show Formats
Status Check
✱ Disable
Enter Data Format
Clear All Data Formats
[ 99 is the Universal number, indicating all terminal types and all code lengths.